A thread of God’s goodness and mercy
Willie Addison Jr. passionately pursues cross-cultural evangelism as a core part of his lifelong devotion to Christian ministry.
– By Spectacular Vernacular –
Visually stunning globes and a large, eye-catching world map adorn the home office of Willie Addison Jr. While serving as incredible accent pieces, the items also symbolize discovery, adventure, a quest for lifelong learning and an everlasting desire to connect across cultural lines.
Addison speaks often about his appreciation for cross-culturalism. He has made it an integral part of his approach to ministry and knows that focus will only expand as he begins his latest pastorship.
Addison, a native of Jacksonville, Florida, was recently named the new senior pastor at Crown and Joy Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Virgina. His official first day is June 30, which will commence the latest chapter in a successful ministerial career that has spanned nearly 30 years.
Addison’s first church home was Mount Salem Missionary Baptist Church. The Jacksonville sanctuary is where he was baptized at age 8 and – several years later – where he delivered his very first sermon at age 23. He preached that day from the book of John, specifically Chapter 3, verses 1 through 7. The theme was the need to be born again to truly see God.
“I was excited, scared and happy all at the same time,” Addison said, reflecting on his initial address from the pulpit. “I felt like I was doing what God called me to do. The Lord was speaking to me.”
Addison says by the time he was 14, he began to sense a call to the ministry. He thanks his childhood pastor, Rev. Charles E. Banks, for inspiring and mentoring him along the way.
Banks’ influence was so profound that Addison felt obligated to carry the preacher’s briefcase from his car to his church office each Sunday. A young Addison did this every single week from age 8 to 17.
“Rev. Banks was a phenomenal pastor and an overall great man who poured into me,” Addison said. “I saw carrying his briefcase as a way of paying him back. Plus, I felt like I needed to be there beside him to soak up as much knowledge as I could.”
“I felt like I was doing what God called me to do. The Lord was speaking to me.”
(reflecting on his first sermon, delivered at age 23)

Addison assumed his first pastorship in 1994, when he became the youth pastor at New Jerusalem First Missionary Baptist Church in Hollywood, Florida. He remained in that position for nine years, learning much and growing immensely under the mentorship of the church’s pastor, Rev. Michael K. Anderson.
“Pastor Anderson encouraged me to be myself,” Addison said. “New Jerusalem is where I cut my teeth, so to speak. I was learning how to conduct meetings and how to lead.”
During his time in South Florida, Addison also worked full time as a law enforcement officer. While on duty one night in 1999, he was called to respond to an armed robbery in progress. Addison confronted the suspect, who appeared ready to shoot.
Per his training, in an act of self-defense, Addison shot the assailant, who died. After an extensive investigation, the incident was ruled a justified homicide.
“He was trying to get away. Without a doubt, I believe he would have shot me if I didn’t shoot him first,” Addison said.
Though cleared legally, the incident continued to weigh heavily on Addison’s spirit and conscious. He said he wanted to go his entire police career without having to shoot anyone. As he tried to come to grips with the fact he took someone’s life – albeit in self-defense – Addison leaned on the support of Anderson and his police lieutenant, who was also a pastor.
“They prayed for me and God delivered me. He was with me,” Addison said.
“That ordeal made me refocus,” he added. “It’s when I decided to start college and also when I knew I wanted to ultimately leave police work to pursue full-time ministry.”

Addison continues to evolve as a minister. Nowadays, he places a heavy emphasis on delivering a healthy mix of expository preaching (which details the meaning of biblical text) and storytelling-based preaching.
“I tie in life experiences to make the Scripture practical,” he said.
Addison’s wife, Sonya, smiles when thinking about how much he has grown in the ministry over the years. She says she has seen “gifts at work” in his life and remains in awe of how God uses him to be a blessing to others.
“I have seen Willie grow from giving five-minute messages to now expounding on the word in a profound, yet relatable, way that captivates all who will hear him,” Sonya said. “My faith is strengthened every day as I see how devoted he is to serving God and how he pours himself into preparing to be used by Him to deliver a message to the people.”
As a pastor, Addison prides himself on being able to connect with parishioners of various backgrounds. In fact, in recent years, he has developed a heavy interest in cross-cultural church leadership – a discipline in which he plans to pursue doctoral studies.
“I feel an obligation to bring people together,” Addison said. “I choose to use Scripture to help connect us. We all have much more in common than people may realize.”
William “Batch” Batchelder, who served as a ruling elder at Christ Church InTown during his time in Jacksonville, marvels at Addison’s personal qualities. He says Addison is fun-loving and jovial while also remaining serious and passionate about his mission. The two men ultimately grew to become close friends.
“Willie is a patient person who exercises great discernment,” Batchelder said. “People feel comfortable coming to him. He’s approachable.”
Batchelder also speaks about Addison’s ability to reach people across cultural lines.
“We all are reflections of the image of God. Willie has a firm grasp of the fact that he is an image bearer,” Batchelder said.
“There is a beauty in the diversity of God, and Willie leans into that for himself and for his family, and he respects it in others,” Batchelder continued. “The thread of God’s goodness and mercy runs through him.”
Following are a few facts about Willie Addison Jr.
Jacksonville, Florida
Christian ministry. He delivered his first sermon at age 23.
Law enforcement officer
Joshua 1:9
Wife, Sonya; children, Corey and Jeremy; daughter-in-love, Ronika; grandchildren, Corey Jr. and Erin; parents, Corine and the late Willie Sr.
To visit all 50 U.S. states and all seven continents